Within the framework of administrative divisions, Arkhangelsk Oblast is divided into six cities and towns of oblast significance, twenty-one districts, and two island territories (Franz Joseph Land and Victoria Island). Besides, Mirny is a town under the federal government management. In terms of the area, the biggest administrative districts are Novaya Zemlya () and Mezensky District (). The smallest one is Solovetsky District. In terms of the population, the biggest administrative district is Velsky District (61,819 in 2002), the smallest ones are Solovetsky District (968), Novaya Zemlya (2716), and Leshukonsky District (10,708). ==Administrative divisions== *Towns under the federal government management: * *Mirny (Мирный) *Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction: * *Arkhangelsk (Архангельск) (administrative center) * * *''City territorial okrugs'': * * * *Isakogorsky (Исакогорский) * * * *Lomonosovsky (Ломоносовский) * * * *Maymaksansky (Маймаксанский) * * * *Mayskaya Gorka (Майская Горка) * * * *Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский) * * * *Severny (Северный) * * * *Solombalsky (Соломбальский) * * * *Tsiglomensky (Цигломенский) * * * *Varavino-Faktoriya (Варавино-Фактория) * *Koryazhma (Коряжма) * *Kotlas (Котлас) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the town's jurisdiction: * * * *Vychegodsky (Вычегодский) * *Novodvinsk (Новодвинск) * *Onega (Онега) * *Severodvinsk (Северодвинск) *Districts: * *Kargopolsky (Каргопольский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kargopol (Каргополь) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kholmogorsky (Холмогорский) * * *with 18 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Konoshsky (Коношский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Konosha (Коноша) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kotlassky (Котласский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Solvychegodsk (Сольвычегодск) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Privodino (Приводино) * * * *Shipitsyno (Шипицыно) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krasnoborsky (Красноборский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Lensky (Ленский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Urdoma (Урдома) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Leshukonsky (Лешуконский) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Mezensky (Мезенский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Mezen (Мезень) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kamenka (Каменка) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Novaya Zemlya District (Новая Земля) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Belushya Guba (Белушья Губа) * *Nyandomsky (Няндомский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Nyandoma (Няндома) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Onezhsky (Онежский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Maloshuyka (Малошуйка) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pinezhsky (Пинежский) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Plesetsky (Плесецкий) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Obozersky (Обозерский) * * * *Plesetsk (Плесецк) * * * *Savinsky (Савинский) * * * *Severoonezhsk (Североонежск) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Primorsky (Приморский) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Shenkursky (Шенкурский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Shenkursk (Шенкурск) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Solovetsky (Соловецкий) * *Ustyansky (Устьянский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Velsky (Вельский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Velsk (Вельск) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Kuloy (Кулой) * * *with 20 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Verkhnetoyemsky (Верхнетоемский) * * *with 14 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vilegodsky (Вилегодский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Vinogradovsky (Виноградовский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Bereznik (Березник) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. *Island territories:〔Law #65-5-OZ, Article 15.3〕 * *Franz Josef Land (Земля Франца-Иосифа) * *Victoria Island (остров Виктория) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Administrative divisions of Arkhangelsk Oblast」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク